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Lola Irvin

Administrator of the Chronic Disease Prevention and Health
Promotion Division (CDPHPD)

Lola Hiroko Irvin is the Administrator of the Chronic Disease Prevention and Health

Promotion Division (CDPHPD), in the Hawaii State Department of Health (HDOH).

Prior to the DOH, she served as the Hawaii-Pacific Cancer Control Director in the

American Cancer Society. She has been with the HDOH since 2005, and with her diverse

and talented team works on policy, systems, and environmental change strategies to

advance the quality years of life for all people in Hawaii. Collectively, with community

partners, the CDPHPD envisions health promoting opportunities being the default

wherever people live, learn, work, and play.

Lola Irvin was born in Okinawa and moved to Hawaii with her mother, brother, and

adoptive father. Her mother often said, if Mazie Hirono can do it, so can you. She is the

first from her Okinawan family to attend college and has a BA in psychology and a

master’s in educational administration with an emphasis on higher education – all done

while working, marrying, and having babies. Lola and her husband Steve have three

married children, a grandson, and a granddaughter due in December. This day is their 43 rd

wedding anniversary.

Lola Irvin
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